Thanks to all who helped make the 2024 tour a success! If you are an artist who would like to receive information about participating in next year's tour (or other group events), click here.
2024 Artists
Diana Stover
Shiloh Rising Studios

Diana's art is as eclectic as you can get. She works in pastels, oils, watercolor batik on rice paper, textile art, painting on fabric, traditional quilting, and whatever technique happens to strike her fancy at the moment. Visit her studio and she will show you the "Tifaifai" technique!
Theresa Stahl
Owl's Flight Artwork

Theresa's studio is the birthplace of her fantasy paintings and the stories that often accompany them.
She creates dreamscapes - her twist on the tangible - with watercolor and ink, acrylics on canvas, (or furniture, rocks, and walls), as well as "painting with yarn" in colorful freeform crochet.
Tamara Wagner
Wood Thief Art

Tamara uses reclaimed wood and a scroll saw to make 3D wood art. Her business name derives from when she started her adventure with "borrowed" wood from her husband.
Darrelyn Rose
R & D Creations

Darrelyn has been drawing and painting since the early '60s. She works primarily in acrylics, but also creates with watercolor pencils. Her subjects range from portraits, florals, and still life, to landscapes.
Denys Knight
Accidental Hammer

Denys is an artist who works with Copper, colors are achieved by flame painting with a torch, and wall art is achieved by design, cutting, pounding, firing, and patinas.
Having been a lettering and watercolor artist teaching internationally for 40 years, Denys switched from paper, brush, and pigments to the malleable metal of copper for her canvas, cutting shears and a paper hammer rather than a brush for creation of wall art , and a torch for painting colors with fire. Her work can be seen at Artworks Gallery in Sandpoint.
A. Lee Harris
A. Lee Harris Sculpture & Art

Art is Lee’s driving force. Accomplishments include her “Flames of Knowledge” sculpture at Boundary County Library and her Bonners Ferry International Snow- Sculpting team (20 years), who represented the USA in Winnipeg (2015), having given her great adventure and joy.
William H. Cox
Rusty Iron Ranch
William, a native Idahoan, has spent a majority of his life working in the woods in fisheries and wildlife, fighting fire, ranching, and construction. His pen & ink and watercolor illustrations reflect the backcountry rural lifestyle. He also dabbles a bit in photography and woodworking.
Hannah Sucsy
Teascarlet Fine Art

Teascarlet is a self-taught acrylic painter wildly pursuing her passion in a way that ignites and empowers others to pursue theirs. She creates with a glorious chaos that invites collectors and fellow creatives to connect with art in a transformative way.
Jenni Barry
Jenni Barry Art

Jenni uses a technique derived from a Japanese art called Kimekomi, a technique where pieces of fabric are tucked into foam-core, giving the appearance of being sewn. Her work combines the painterly quality of Impressionism with the warmth of complex quilting. Jenni’s mission is to bring the art of kimekomi into modern art consciousness.
Curtis Baruth
District 16

Bonners Ferry art teacher Mr. Allurd saved Curtis from high-school jock bullies and helped him to discover joy in creative process. District 16 Artist Collective is a safe space for ideas and creative pursuit. They began as an idea that found a home in the District 16 schoolhouse in Elmira– putting art out there for everyone who is art curious.
Heather Todd
Old Stateline Gardens

Heather creates in a variety of mediums, most often wood and fabric. She grew up tinkering in her dad's woodshop, using his wood scraps to make things. Her art is garden and nature inspired, with a sustainability focus, endeavoring to make art supplies from scratch, like growing indigo and other plants to make natural pigments and dyes for her artwork.